©2024 SAVIS of Halton
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Oakville, ON


Client Complaints: Procedure

SAVIS of Halton understands that there are times when service delivery does not meet service user’s expectations. The following is the process for filing a complaint regarding service from SAVIS of Halton employees, volunteers, or placement students. Any review and action taken around complaints will strives to be survivor focused, respectful and with expectations that are clearly communicated and confirmed with clients. These complaints will be responded to within 15 working days. This Policy and Program does not permit anyone to retaliate or make reprisals against those who have pursued their rights under this Policy.

Procedure: If you have a concern or complaint regarding your experiences with SAVIS programs and services you are encouraged to first speak to the person directly involved and provide them with an opportunity to address the concern. If you do not feel comfortable addressing it with this person directly, you have the right to contact the relevant manager by completing a complaint form. If the concern is about the manager, you have the right to contact the Executive Director by completing a complaint form. If the concern is about the Executive Director, you have the right to file a complaint with the Board of Directors. You may fill out the embedded online form, or email/mail your complaint form to the appropriate person. The complaint form is available below.

If doing so in writing, you may address your concerns via mail by mailing the complaint form to:


SAVIS of Halton, 1515 Rebecca Street, Suite 227, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 5G8

If doing so verbally, you may address your concerns in person or by calling the Executive Director at 905-825-3622 ext. 24.

If you prefer a language other than English to file a complaint, translation services will be contacted by SAVIS of Halton.

Confidentiality: All documentation and discussions relating to a complaint remain confidential except where disclosure is required by law.

Questions: Any questions should be directed to the Executive Director, Silvia Samsa:

(905)-825-3622 ext. 24 or silvia@savisofhalton.org

Complaint Form