Men Preventing Violence
SAVIS of Halton achieved a three year Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant to fund the Male Ally Network (M.A.N.) Project in the Halton Region. Join this network of men who are committed to ending violence against women and children. Men are a powerful voice to create real and meaningful change in society. More information to come. In the meantime find us on Facebook!/MaleAllyNetwork.
Violence can touch the lives of everyone around us. It is our responsibility to work together towards a violence free community!
The Real Man’s Pledge Against Violence
As a son, brother, cousin, uncle, friend, boyfriend, father, future father, husband, or future husband and as a man, I take this pledge against violence:
I pledge that I will never rape, abuse or exploit a person. I pledge never to allow someone to rape, abuse or exploit another person if I could have prevented it. To do this, I pledge to be aware.
I pledge to be receptive to issues of violence and inequality towards others. I pledge to be a role model and to let my actions be an example to others and encourage the same from other men. I pledge to be strong enough to do what is right even if that means challenging the social norm.
I pledge all of these things because I am a real man and real men care.
Adapted From: Men Against Violence
What Men Can Do To End Violence Against Women:
- Listen to women…learn from them.
- Learn about the reality of violence against women.
- Believe survivors of violence.
- Learn why some men are violent.
- Challenge sexist language and jokes that degrade women.
- Learn to identify and oppose sexual harassment and violence in your family, school, workplace etc.
- Support local women’s programs – participate in events, be an activist.
- Examine how your own behavior might contribute to the problem.
- Work towards long terms solutions.
- Offer financial support to groups and agencies that are working to end violence against women.