V-Day 2014
On February 14, 2014 V-Day is commemorated to support the end of violence against women all over the world. This day allows time to reflect and think of all of the women who have died, suffered or are currently experiencing violence.
On average, every 6 days a woman in Canada is killed by her intimate partner. (Statistics Canada, 2009).
Top reasons why men should work to end violence against women:
1. Men have a powerful influence in today’s society, so showing support may influence other men to follow.
2. Women are more victimized by violence than men.
3. Treating women with respect and dignity will model personal decisions to end violence.
4. Change is created one step at a time. Each man who rises to end violence will create another step towards change.
If you want to become an ally and stand up for the rights of women worldwide, you can show your support on February 14, 2014 and say “NO” to violence against women! For more information on V-Day, go to http://www.vday.org/about.
Male Ally Network: https://www.facebook.com/MaleAllyNetwork
Sources 1. Beattie, S. & Cotter, A. (2009). Homicide in Canada, 2009. Juristat, 30(3), p. 14. 2. Johnson, H. (2006). Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends. Statistics Canada