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International Women’s Day

The theme for the 2014 International Women’s Day on March 8th is the ‘Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum’. International Women’s Day was created to support the empowerment of women from all walks of life and to recognize how far women have progressed throughout time. It was not until 1918 that women across Canada gained the right to vote according to the Women’s women happyFranchise Act.

Although women’s movements have achieved great change, there are still many issues locally and globally, that affect women and their rights as human beings.

Gender inequality is seen in the workplace on a daily basis. 23% of Canadian women experience sexual harassment in the workplace and over half of these women (55%) are harassed by a co-worker. Women who have, or are currently experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, have reported negative effects such as losing their jobs, damaged relationships with co-workers, losing friends, feeling stress with family members, depression, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, and physical illness.

On March 8, 2014 you can become an ally. Think of ways to help advocate for women’s rights in your own personal life as well as the comminternational womens day logounity you live in. Putting an end to violence against women will benefit us all.

Women’s Rights are Human Rights! Fight for the rights to gender equality and strive for justice and change!


1. Component of Statistics Canada catalogue no. 85-002-X. (2013). Maire Sinha, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, p. 8
2.  Johnson, H. (2006). Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends. Statistics Canada
3. TUAC Canada. (2014). Women in Canada- History Timeline http://www.tuac.ca/index.php?option=com_multicategories&view=categories&cid=12:women-in-canada-history-timeline&Itemid=0&lang=fr